Saturday, September 5, 2009

A New Blog!

Due to privacy concerns, I had to suddenly delete my old blog. I felt sad doing so. I had worked on that blog for quite a while, over a year or so now, and it held many good memories.

On the other hand, it feels good to start anew! There have been major changes in my life lately, and a fresh start seems to be just what I need.

I am going through the breakup of my 13-year-old marriage. <> It's very sad, and unfortunately very true. I'm still in the process of letting go and getting up, picking up the pieces, and I think I'm doing pretty well. But as there are good days, I have to navigate through some bad days as well.

So I just take it one day at a time. See how it goes. Give myself what I think I need at the moment and try to pick myself up. Sometimes a good long cry does the trick. Sometimes I just try to put on a brave face and tell myself to suck it up.

I'm also almost at a major "finish line" in my life. I am taking up a second college course (BS Nursing), and I hope to graduate in about a month's time! Yehey! It has been rough, especially these past two months when I had to deal with serious personal stuff at the same time as I was tackling major exams in school. But I'm almost there! I can almost feel the diploma in my hands!! :-)

Aside from my three lovely daughters, an old dream is keeping me alive through all these. I hope to run my first full marathon this October. When all the home and school drama subside and I can breathe more freely, I hope to resume training and running again. It looks like I won't be as ready as I would have wanted for a full 42-km run this October, but... who knows? Maybe I can summon enough bravado to run, even though I'm woefully not ready, this October 18, the date of the QC International Marathon.

Life is exciting. Life is fulls of surprises. I might add life is full of shit too, but I do have millions of things to be thankful for as well.

So here we go. Life goes on. And lookie here, a new blog for me! :-)

1 comment:

  1. To say that I'm sad that your old blog no longer exist is an understatement MJ. It is where I have known you. It is how we became friends. I may never understand why you had to delete it but I need to respect your decision, no matter how painful . . . in the same manner that I should respect your refusal of talking about it.
